
Roger scruton confessions of a heretic
Roger scruton confessions of a heretic

roger scruton confessions of a heretic

Scruton’s focus on aesthetics and metaphysics leads him to suggest unique and creative solutions that respect the person, local traditions, and the environment. He is an apologist for the West and attacks the harmful ideologies that want to destroy it. One reason Scruton was so disliked by the left was that he saw Western civilization as succeeding at culture, religion, and philosophy, to the extent that humans could prosper and develop like never before. Depending on their quality, they either stunt the development of persons, families, and societies, or aid in their flourishing. He shows how culture, religion, ideology, and philosophy play vital roles in human and social development. The author often considers the unchanging aspects of human nature. Thus, Scruton tends to begin essays at an immediate or entry level, and slowly take the reader into more profound depths. Much of this is applied philosophy in the sense that the teachings of the ancient Greeks, including metaphysics and the philosophy of beauty, are connected to current issues. Topics include Facebook screen time, democracy and law, loving animals, the environment, architecture, beauty, and art. The essays come from both previously-published and unpublished writings of Scruton, who died on January 12, 2020. His erudition and references to foundational philosophical principles give his ideas a certain timelessness. As Douglas Murray notes in the Introduction, what unites these diverse thoughts and topics was Scruton’s capacity to go below the surface of things.

roger scruton confessions of a heretic

After earning a doctorate at Cambridge in the philosophy of aesthetics under the tutelage of the well-known Catholic philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe, Scruton spent his life addressing an eclectic range of topics, from wine to Wagner to issues of the day such as environmentalism. Founder and editor of The Salisbury Review, Scruton was widely rejected by liberal academics as well as by some conservatives. The collection of essays in Confessions of a Heretic provides learned, robust, and contrarian conservative arguments. Sujet: Anglais Nombre des pages: 208 Pays/Région de fabrication: GB Poids: 244g Information manquante?Veuillez nous contacter pour toute information manquante, nous l’ajouterions volontiers dans notre description.Reading Roger Scruton (1944-2020) leaves one with the feeling that we are too often underserved by less erudite and more superficial writers nowadays.

roger scruton confessions of a heretic

In this selection, covering subjects from art and architecture to politics and nature conservation, Scruton challenges popular opinion on key aspects of our culture: What can we do to protect Western values against Islamist extremism? How can we nurture real friendship through social media? Why is the nation-state worth preserving? How should we achieve a timely death against the advances of modern medicine? This provocative collection seeks to answer the most pressing problems of our age.In his introduction, the bestselling author and commentator Douglas Murray writes of what it cost Scruton to express views considered unpalatable, and of the importance of these ideas after Scruton’s death. Each “confession” reveals aspects of the author’s thinking that his critics would probably have advised him to keep to himself. Détails de l’annonceTitre: Confessions of a Heretic, Revised Edition Condition: Neuf Auteur: Roger Scruton Contributeur: Douglas Murray (Introduction by) Format: Relié ISBN-10: 191255934X EAN: 9781912559343 ISBN: 9781912559343 Genre: Law & Politics Sujet: Society & Culture, Philosophy & Spirituality Année de publication: 2021 Date de publication: Description: Confessions of a Heretic is a collection of provocative essays by the influential social commentator and polemicist Roger Scruton. This provocative collection seeks to answer the most pressing problems of our age. Why is the nation-state worth preserving?. Item: 185592351777 Roger Scruton Confessions of a Heretic, Revised Edition (Relié).

Roger scruton confessions of a heretic